The second summer month has passed, and the numbers look strong with a two-year high in the number of new investors registered and around 20% increase in the funded loans. Thanks for putting your trust in TWINO and we will do our best to offer the most attractive investment opportunities.

TWINO Group’s activities:

  • We continue our focus on becoming a regulated entity. A reorganization process has been initiated with the goal to separate TWINO investment platform assets to a new legal entity that has applied for the investment brokerage license.
  • Referrals have been the word of the day for the last couple of months as your activity has been through the roof. Happy to share that the campaign will be continued also in August with both you and your friends receiving €15.
  • Our loan originators continue to grow their issuance volumes by adjusting to the current market conditions. At the same time, we are adapting our offering as well by keeping the interest rates acceptable for them and you – our investors. With that in mind, we will return the interest rate for Russian loans to the regular 10% p.a. and 14% p.a. for Currency Exposure loans as of 01.08.2020.
  • We already informed you that the 2nd phase of our first Venture has been financed, yet we have already started to prepare for the 3rd phase by updating the project description and business model.

In case of any specific questions do not hesitate to contact us.

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Roberts Lasovskis

Chairman of the Management Board of AS TWINO Investments

Roberts is leading the growth, strategic development, and innovation of the company. He has been leading the TWINO investment platform for 4 years and under his leadership, it has become a leading industry player in continental Europe and a licensed investment brokerage company.

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