We continue putting maximum effort into the licensing process to become an investment brokerage company as well as working hard on several improvements for the platform, including a redesign of our website and updates for the TWINO mobile app. We will make sure to notify you as soon as we have more news on these matters!

TWINO Group’s activities

  • Great news for those of you investing with Currency Exposure (CE) – Russian CE loans are now available with an interest rate of 16% p.a. Please make sure to adjust your Auto-Invest portfolios accordingly.
  • The TWINO investor survey has been available for a week now, and we are very thankful for your input. We have already received a lot of insightful feedback and suggestions, and we will certainly take them into account in our future development. If you have not taken part in our survey yet, you can do so here. For those of you who have completed the survey but would like to provide additional comments or have some questions, please email us at info@twino.eu, and our investor relations specialists will be happy to assist you.
  • As already shared with you previously, we have finalized the audited financial statement of SIA TWINO, the parent company of TWINO Group, for the year 2019 with a net profit of €4.43 million, and you can read more about it here. Additionally, our finance team is working hard to also finalize the TWINO Group’s Consolidated Financial Statement for the year 2019, which will be shared with you in the coming weeks.
  • We have opened a new bank account at Baltic International Bank to improve our processes and will soon begin processing some of your withdrawal requests from the new account.

In case of any specific questions do not hesitate to contact us.

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Roberts Lasovskis

Chairman of the Management Board of AS TWINO Investments

Roberts is leading the growth, strategic development, and innovation of the company. He has been leading the TWINO investment platform for 4 years and under his leadership, it has become a leading industry player in continental Europe and a licensed investment brokerage company.

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